Brand Guidelines
Use these guidelines ensure the consistency of the happier IT visual brand identity.
Font: Poppins
Weight: Light (normal) or Regular (when bold needed)
Colors: Typography should be in a happier IT brand color including happier IT Red, white or a shade of gray. happier IT does not use black typography.
Wordmark: happier IT should always be written with a lower case h, and a space between the words happier and IT.
Correct: happier IT
Incorrect: Happier IT / happierIT
happier IT RedHEX: #DC0000RGB: R:220 G:0 B:0 CMYK: C:7 M:100 Y:100 K:1 Pantone: 485C Paint: Benjamin Moore 2000-10 |
WhiteWhite is happier IT's secondary brand color and is an important part of our brand identity.happier IT white should be a pure white with no hints of other colors. Hex: #FFFFFF RGB: R:0 G:0 B:0 Paint: Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace OC 65 |
Shades of Grayhappier IT uses various shades of gray. All shades of gray used must be a pure shade of black and must not contain other colors.e.g. #808080 | R:128 G:128 B:128 | C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:65 |
Logo Variations
happier IT has several different logo formats that can be used to best fit the application.
happier IT and the happier IT logo are registered trademarks and should be used with the ® identifier.
Logos should not be used in any color other than “happier IT red” or white.
Logos should always be happier IT red on white or very light backgrounds.
Logos on dark backgrounds should always be white.
Inverted brand colors (white logo on a “happier IT red” background) is recommended in applications where a white background isn’t suitable.
You can download a vector of each logo in the correct color format below.